Download the file for your own purposes
Content in the media library is saved in HLS format. To use them as MP4 files, you can download them. To do this, go to "Audio tracks" under the content on the left. Click on "Actions" for the desired audio track and then on "Download video". If your content has several audio tracks, you can download the video with different audio tracks individually.
(4K movies will be compressed to a resolution of 1080p when downloaded.)
Download for your users
If you want to allow your users to download your videos you need to enable this feature for each video.
To do this, go to Media Library. Select your video, click on the Protection tab on the left side and activate the button "Allow downloads from the public audience" (don't forget to save your changes).
Now your users can download this video in the player. All they have to do is click on the download arrow at the bottom right of the player.