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Video.Taxi Help
Manage your account data
Account details
Login with Password and 2-Factor Identification
How do I change my password?
Can account details be changed afterwards?
Delete account
Change timezone
Email template
What functions do email templates have?
What are placeholders?
What placeholders are there?
What are subaccounts for?
How do I add a sub-account?
Have invoices sent to a different e-mail address
Connected Social Media Accounts
How do I add social media accounts?
Which social media accounts can I add?
What are the advantages of connecting social media accounts?
Permalink Live-Player
What is the Permalink Player?
Player Analytics
Use of Matomo
What statistics do you get?
Where do i find statistics?
Overview in the Service Usage (Subtitles, Voice-Over and Speech)
My Subscription
What are Reseller Codes?
How can I add a Reseller Code to my account?
Billing for Speech, Voice-Over and Subtitling