Generally there are two sources for the data:
- Video.Taxi Prometheus service that collects and shows User access data
- Video.Taxi CDN Traffic calculator based on logfiles and real outgoing traffic
Furthermore traffic can be viewed at the following endpoints
- In the detail page of each VOD
- In the traffic overview:
- In the statistics board: (limited time frame)
If you want to check traffic in detail for a specific VOD, the correct way would be:
- Open
- Put into search field the ID of the VOD
- The table shows the detailed traffic report and total for the specific time frame (time frame can be "total")
Why not use Statistics/Board or VOD Detail site if I want very precise data? Because these sites get not each second the very latest data. This because of the real complex calculations. Especially if the VOD is used not frequently (just a few MB) you will see on these sites a delayed update (some mins, up to 30min).
Hint 2: LiveStreams generate traffic too, but their traffic is not counted as CDN traffic.
Hint 3: Traffic from the Cockpit player is not counted.
Hint 4: The automatic pre-download of some parts of video-files is normal and helps to quickly start the video if the user really clicks on play.