After creating the Meeting-Bot, it joins your meeting as a “guest” - you therefore usually have to “let it in” manually.
If you have already created it before the meeting starts, it will join shortly after the start. However, you can also set an individual joining time under “Advanced settings” when you create them. If you create them during an ongoing meeting, they will join directly a few moments after creation.
After joining, an automated message appears in the chat in which it briefly introduces itself. The link in this message is particularly important: This takes you to the user interface, where you can see the live transcription and translation.
You can also customize the join message when creating it under “Advanced settings”. But make sure you keep the link!
As an alternative to the link in the message, meeting participants can access the user interface by scanning a QR code (e.g. with a cell phone). You must activate this when creating the bot under “Advanced settings”.