To enable your Meeting-Bot to transcribe and translate your meetings with the Video.Taxi engine, you need to equip it with an “API-Key”. You can easily find this in your Video.Taxi account.
To do this, log in to, go to ACCOUNT in the top bar and click on API-Key in the tab. If you have already created a key, you can find and edit it here. If you don't have one yet, click on “Create a new API key”.
In the preset that now opens, select the right-hand option “Meeting”. Then give the key a name (e.g. Meeting bot) and click on “Create API-Key”.
The key now appears in the overview. There you can edit, revoke (delete) and select it (click on the dots under “Key”), for example to copy it - which is exactly what you are doing now.
Then log in to and go to “Options” in the top right-hand corner. Under “Manage API keys”, insert your key and click on “Save”.
You can now create a meeting bot. You can find out exactly how this works here.